Mark Peveler was born in San Jose, California in 1961. Raised in Hawaii, came back to the “Mainland” the middle of his freshman year of high school which he attended in Marin County, CA, moved senior year and Graduated from Highland High School, in Bakersfield, CA. Mark then pursued a Physical Education and Architecture major at Bakersfield College. He then joined the U.S. Navy and worked as a Hospital Corpsman in San Diego, CA. After receiving 3rd Class Petty Officer. After active duty service he worked as a Nurse at Las Vegas Medical Center, opened a restaurant with his girlfriend (now wife), and finish college at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with emphasis in Marketing.
With a Marketing degree, Mark went into Medical and Equipment Sales. With an eye on the real estate opportunities of the Las Vegas Valley, Mark later turned his successful sales career toward the real estate market of Southern Nevada. He has become a student of the market fluctuation of Southern Nevada. Through this research Mark is prepared to share with you his findings and how you can benefit from his experience in the Southern Nevada real estate market
Work History
· Served in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman
· Graduated from University of Nevada , Las Vegas with a degree in Business Administration & Marketing
· Business Co-Owner with lovely wife of Downtown, Knotheads Expresswich Sandwich shoppe
· 17 years of successful local sales and marketing experience to help you through the process.
· Recent graduate of Dynamics and the Floyd Wickmans’ S.M.A.R.T. program
· Member of The National Association of Realtors
· Member of The Nevada Association of Realtors
· Member of The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors
· Devoted husband and father of:
Wife (High school Math teacher & Student Council),
Audrie (Valedictorian,Engineer, Teacher) Timothy (Engineer, Eagle Scout), Daniel (Nautical Engineer, Coast Gaurd Officer, Musician & Runner) and Brian (Film Director)
· Band percussionist and Harmonica player,
Hobbies· Sailing, Automotive, Rock climbing, Cycling, Camping, Cattle Ranching, Music,
What Clients say:
"If you need an agent to find the home of your dreams" "Very knowledgeable of Henderson and the Las Vegas Area" "Very Trustworthy" - The Hartmans
"Willing to solve problems" - Devin Ray
"Very Helpful, Honest, and polite" - Claudio
"Tell people he found an amazing home for the Artistic Coordinator of LeReve" - Christopher Childers
"Hard worker - Present - Knowledgeable" - Ron Rupp Retired Police Captain
"Problem Solver" "If you want to uncover how to close on a bank owned home Mark is the person for the job" Michelle Pivo
"Mark has our best interest in mind and he is honest" - Pamela Porter
"Looking out for the customers best interest" - Audrey Noce
"His only cares and concerns are that you, his customer, is completely satisfied, Starbuck should take a lesson from Mark when it comes to customer service" - Barry Mastrontonio
"Very knowledgeable with even more information on miscellaneous things" - Lauren & Michael Perry
"Wonderful experience with Mark" - Heather Kinder
"He is great determined to get you what you want" - Mark Bell
Letters presented upon request
Contact Me Today at 702.379.7357!